This is the new weekly review of what I'm eating, reading, trying, wearing & loving to take better care of myself.

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Eating: Sweetgreen's seasonal
Miso Bowl. They're changing up their seasonal menu next week, so I'm getting this awesome bowl while the gettin' is good. I order it with shredded kale & romaine (love my greens!), no rice, miso-glazed vegetables (they're really flavorful), basil, shredded cabbage, roasted chicken, roasted almonds (for the perfect amount of crunch), and miso sesame ginger dressing (light-medium). Yum!
Trying: More yoga. I've been practicing yoga for over 15 years, but the past few years it's been sporadic at best. I'm aiming for at least 2-3 times per week for the next month to see how my mind and body respond.
The Blessing of a Skinned Knee: Using Timeless Teachings to Raise Self-Reliant Children, by Wendy Mogel, Ph. D.
Because I can definitely used some guidance on parenting and this book is loaded with tips to raise independent, happy kids using strategies that will make your everyday family life better too. I originally received it from PJ Library because it's based on the tenants of Judaism, and my book club chose it as the book this month (we're all moms). One nugget I especially liked was the recommendation to view your kid's irksome behaviors as their assets: Shy kids are often cautious, rule-breaking kids can be adventurous, stubborn kids are persistent, picky kids may be detail-oriented.
Wearing: I'm not generally one to wear glitter, but I'm loving my super cute Nike Metcon 3 Metallic kicks from
Bandier. I just ordered a second pair because I've been wearing them a ton and they're almost sold out. They're really comfy for everyday and the gym. I even wear them to the kitchen where I'm on my feet for hours baking.
Loving: I'm not a huge caffein person but I sadly haven't been getting enough sleep so I've been having green tea most days. I love
Yogi Green Tea Muscle Recovery. It gives me energy and I love that it's made with anti-inflammatory turmeric.