It happens every year around this time. I have the urge to purge. I feel a deep connection to nature, and the changing of the season from winter to spring stirs something inside of me. Maybe it's the promise of more time outside that evokes a sense of detachment from material things. Maybe it's an unconscious desire to make some space in my home for the fresh, sweet air that will circulate when it's warm enough to finally open the windows. Whatever it is, my urge to spring clean is strong. Each year, I commit to getting rid of 100 items - things I know I can live without because they have gone untouched for months, and sometimes even years. Over the course of a week or two, I place items either in the trash or in a bags bound for Goodwill and keep a list tracking each item. Having a finite number to reach makes an overwhelming task seem manageable and the actual number - 100 items - is substantial enough to make the purging seem meaningful. Once I reach my goal, I consider my work done and allow myself to relax and fully enjoy the extra space in my life - both physical and mental.
Giving thanks to the green-thumbed volunteers in Riverside Park who planted the beautiful blooms show above, and for my new camera that was able to capture the beauty.